Stacking the Shelves #83

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It’s a chance to show what books you’ve added to your library in the past 7 days. These can be bought books, borrowed, review copies, any which way they come to you.

These are books for the month of June 🙂




For Review

(Not all were requested, some just came as lovely surprises. Thank you to all the publishers who sent them.)

From StorytellersInc

From A Midsummer Mystery





20617945Thank you @MuchLovedBooks

What books have you added? 🙂

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16 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #83

  1. I have the Zoe Marriott books on my tbr waiting to be read. I hope to get to them later this summer-I LOVE the covers for these books and the story sounds interesting. Hope they are as good as they look! Happy reading!

  2. Great haul this week, you’ve got a lot of amazing books to get through. I really want to hurry up and get to LOL, I really loved the Duff. I have seen amazing reviews for Emmy & Oliver, so I will be getting to my copy as soon as I can. I hope you enjoy all of your books 🙂 Here’s my STS.

  3. The cover of The Curious Tale of Lady Caraboo had me at first glance. Then after reading the summary at GoodReads, I added it to my shelf. Also added Readers of Broken Wheel Recommends. Both look really good. Enjoy your new finds!!

  4. I love getting surprise packages. The Zoe Mariott book looks great. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. Great Haul!!!! Looks like a wonderful week for you. Several of these are new to me. I still haven’t read a Zoe Marriott book yet but I feel like I’m missing out. Thanks for sharing I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading! SS

  6. Is it bad that I have yet to read Zoe’s books, even though I have them all??? I know I really should tackled them soon. I also really need to read Marissa’s books too, I have the first two or three waiting.

    Yay for Pewter Wolf for getting this signed for you :)…I also only just noticed the book I sent you 😉

    Enjoy all of your books, My Sunday Post

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