My Favourite Children’s Books by Sarah Baker #ThroughtheMirrorDoor


Since the accident, Angela has been alone. When she is invited on holiday with her cousins, it is her chance to be part of a family again if she promises to behave herself. But secrets lie in the walls of the crumbling French holiday home and the forbidden rooms draw Angela in. Soon night-time footsteps, flickering candlelight and shadows in windows lead her to a boy who needs her help. To save him Angela must discover the truth about what happened in the house all those years ago… and face the terrible secret of her own past.


My Favourite Children’s Books
Guest Post by Sarah Baker

Naturally it’s complete agony to have to narrow this down to just five, but I like a challenge, so here goes…

My year 5 form teacher, Mrs Morris, read The Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner to us for twenty minutes every afternoon for two weeks. It was my favourite time of day.  I was entranced, I was scared and I was rooting for Susan and Colin all the way through. Once we’d finished I took out every Alan Garner book I could get my hands on from my local library. I read the whole lot again recently and they were just as brilliant as I remembered.

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper is the second in a series of contemporary fantasy books that I discovered as an adult. Recommended to me by my friend, Liza, who sent me her battered and much loved copy (thank you, Liza), I devoured this one then went out and bought all the others. A classic good versus evil story with plenty of old magic, a pinch of destiny and lots of mythical symbolism, it’s an utter delight.

It will come as no surprise to those that know me that The Box of Delights by John Masefield is on this list. I love this book. I’m also lucky enough to have an original copy (the best birthday present ever) and have been known to touch the dust jacket for good luck. It’s a children’s fantasy novel (hmmm there’s a theme emerging here) with magic, myths and lots of mayhem. A deliciously dark wintery read with talking animals and an ancient box full of secrets and adventures. What’s not to love?

Many years ago when I reviewed books for various publishers, I was sent a copy of The Obsidian Mirror by Catherine Fisher. I raced through it. The first in a quartet of a clever series that blends time travel, science fiction and historical fantasy with plenty of adventure, a mad scientist and lots of fairies. It’s brilliant. Oh and it’s got a magic mirror and I’m rather fond of those…

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith not only has the best opening line; “I write this sitting in the kitchen sink’, but is such an utter joy of a book. It’s about life and love and a wonderfully eccentric family living in a crumbling castle. It’s engaging, it’s warm and it’s a book I read again and again and again.



SB author pic.
Hello. I’m a children’s author. My first book, Through the Mirror Door, will be published by Catnip Books on 7th July, 2016. 

I used to work in film as a story editor where I did an awful lot of script and book reading (yay). I’ve also worked for Aardman Features and the Bermuda Film Festival and I’ve been a writer and blogger for vintage fashion magazines. You can read some of my pieces here.)

Once up on a time I used to review books, but now when I’m not writing, I’m usually reading. I currently live in a book fort in London with my son.


Through the Mirror Door by Sarah Baker
is OUT NOW (£6.99, Catnip)


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