The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

199269577Thank you for Netgalley and Tor for my review copy.

I know the cover shouldn’t have been the reason I picked this up but it’s so beautiful and I just needed to know the story inside. I think it’s in the author note where Sarah Beth Durst says this was supposed to be a cosy comfort read like hot chocolate and a warm blanket. It certainly is.

The Spellshop is exactly what I’d want a cosy magical read to be. I loved the world and all the characters. I also liked the subtle build for the romance. The first few chapters strike a good balance of the dark of the revolution and Kiela’s escape without it feeling disjointed from the cosy-cute of her rebuilding her life.

The fact that I read this as an ebook when I rarely read ebooks shows how much I enjoyed it. I will be buying my own copy when it comes out because I’m sure I’ll be rereading it.

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